Fanfare Lutheran Music Academy 2016 Spring Concert

Houston C2 Select Baseball Commercial
The Houston Select Baseball Club is an organization designed to assist high school baseball coaches by providing their players an opportunity to improve their skills - while promoting the virtues of academic excellence through coordinated guidance. Visit:...

San Jacinto Baseball Scrimmage

2016 Miss Houston Pageant Program Book

2016 Children’s Mardi Gras Parade
2016 Photograph Prices Large (8x10) - $20 Medium (4x6 or 5x7) - $12 Small (For web use only and not for printing purposes) - $7 I do not do any printing. These prices are the cost of the digital photo which you can then take somewhere local that has a quality printer....

Fanfare Winter Concert
Watch the 2 minute video of the Fanfare Winter Concert filmed in The Lyceum in Galveston. The Fanfare! Lutheran Music Academy is located at First Ev. Lutheran Church of Galveston and is a 501c non-profit school that teaches music, art, and drama to Galveston area...

Fanfare! Lutheran Music Academy
The Fanfare! Lutheran Music Academy is located at First Ev. Lutheran Church of Galveston and is a 501c non-profit school that teaches music, art, and drama to Galveston area schools. Please consider donating using safe and secure PayPal on their website:...

Galveston County Adoption Day Foundation
The Galveston County Adoption Day Foundation sponsored the twelfth annual Galveston County Adoption Day event on November 21, 2015, at the Galveston County Justice Center in Galveston, Texas. National Adoption Day, (www.nationaladoptionday.org), began nationally in...

Island Oktoberfest 2015
The Alex Meixner band highlighted the 34th Annual Island Oktoberfest! See my short video clip here:

D’Feet Breast Cancer
See my 2015 D'Feet Breast Cancer "Celebration of Life" dance video: https://youtu.be/gELteInmeog